Kathy. Wanted to thank you for sticking with me!
So excited to share my experience at Passport Pilates, I give it 5 stars! ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ I consider myself athletic, played sports through school, and one of the weird people that actually like cardio. I have worked myself into personal trainer sessions, boot camp and running into my 50’s but found that I was wearing my body down as much as I loved it I needed something different , or should I say my joints needed it.
A friend suggested reformer Pilates! I wasn’t a fan to say the least when I first started. Kathy, the owner, insisted I begin in Essential Level classes and I thought to myself that she had no idea what she was doing. She was insistent I start at beginner level which really annoyed me. Didn't she know I’m an experienced exerciser. LOL !
My original mind set was more weight was better! It took me over 6 months to change my thinking and several months more to retrain my body to be able to grasp the concept.
It was so worth it! My strength is not from lifting large weight but in my total body connection to movement. I feel great! Strong and joint healthy.
Thank you Kathy for sticking with me and seeing what I could not see!
I've seen more of a difference in my body & core in just three short months, just doing Reformer Pilates twice weekly than after 2 1/2 years of Bikram Yoga five to six days per week (sometimes twice daily). Plus my back pain has disappeared! I'm so pleased. - Tania
I wanted to pass on a compliment to you guys, more than to me. I have had two separate Pilates teachers compliment me on my “form”, and ask where I “studied”. One was a professional ballet dancer for many years, and the other was a visiting substitute from Palm Beach who teaches Classical Pilates. She wasn’t impressed when I showed up for class, but afterwards also asked where I had studied. It pleased me to hear that and the credit goes to you!
- Pam, age 70 ish, recently moved to Florida.
I am so pleased with Pilates, my entire life has changed because of it. - Joanna
I have been a member of your Pilates studio for about 4 years and it has been the greatest and all along the way, you have been so very supportive of not just myself but all students..
When I think back about how my body felt and looked when I started, I know that I have come a long way! I frequently tell my husband that there is absolutely is no way that I can ever give up my Pilates I’m not sure he fully understands what I get out of my Pilates – but it sure is a lot. Peace of mind, body strength, confidence in my body and my ability to try new moves s, the female comraderie is also super.
Bust most of all, it has been you – the teachers and instructors – I will miss you all so very much. BUT I will be thinking of you all whe I move to California and start looking for my next Pilates studio, and I continue to core work.
Thank you very much for everything, I only hope that I can find a studio new instructions that are excellent and deicated as you are all are. – Susan
I’ve seen more of a difference in my body & core in just three short months, just doing Reformer Pilates twice weekly then after two years of Bikram Yoga two times weekly five to six days per week (sometimes twice daily). Plus my back disappeared. I’m so pleased – Tania
I wanted to pass on a compliment to you guys, more than to me. I have had two separate Pilates teachers compliment on my “form”, and ask where I studied, one was a professional ballet dancer for many years, and the other was a visiting substitute from Palm Beach who teaches Classical Pilates. She wasn’t when I showed up for the class, but after words were also were asked . It pleased me to hear that and the credit goes to you. – Pam
People of all ages, all abilities are benefitting from Reformer Pilates. There it is called the “fountain of youth”. Back , Knee, Hip or Joint Pain…be can relieved or cured! From Rehabilitation to Athletic Conditioning regimen in the world today. Read what our cliemts told us in 2011…
Pilates has challenged my life! The joint-friendly exercises and a healthy diet low in inflammatory foods combined have kept me medication free for two years with my rheumatoid arthritis, which is really exciting. Beyond that, I feel great, I’m more flexible and fit than I have been in years. My joints don’t ache as much and I have found a form of exercise that I truly enjoy, therefore, I have stuck with it for three years and I’m hoping for life. Thank you Kathy and MaryBeth for a great new me!
I lost inches, have body fat and muscle tone, increased flexibility, I enjoy it and feel skinny!! – Renee
I remember the first few weeks in class, sweating, struggling and using muscles I had never used. I felt as though everyone was thinking “wow, is she out of shape!) But I kept at it ,after just a few weeks, I was stronger, had better from on the Reformer and was seing and feeling muscle tone. I was hooked. The Pilates workouts are unique in that you don’t have to sweat and get completely breathless to reap the health benefitsof working out. – Patti
Pilaes has drastically improved my hips and back to the point where I have little to no pain. – Patti
I have had chronic back pain for 4 years. My chiropractor and physical therapist both recommended Reformer Pilates and pilates surely and slowly the regimen of chiro and Pilates has substantially lessened my chronic pain to the point that I believ I can pain free if I stay on this course.
Pilates has been my stress relief in a busy world. It’s relaxing but also a great workout. Pilates has helped my stress level, my lower back issues and best of all an improved body tone. – Robin
This is the first exercise program I have stuck to for more than a few months. I attribute this to the personal instructors personal interest in my well being; the convenience and the Reformer being doable for people with back and knee issues. It;’s always a very pleasant experience! –Kathie
I stay sane after a bad day at work. It keeps me in shape for only two days a week of exercise. It has helped relived the pain in my lower back and knees. I met some great people and enjoy all the instructors.
I have been coming to Pass Pilates for over a year now. I can honestly say it is the first exercise that I’ve ever stuck with since I was a teen. The staff is great and the variety of classes keep it new and exciting. Looking forward to another great year! – Joanne
I have been active with fitness for over 20 years and nothing has made an impact so quickly on my body as Pilates . Combining Pilates and Barre is my favorite combination of classes. – Gina
To start with, Pilates is the only form of exercise I have consistently kept up with for a period of almost 3 and ½ yers. It is both invigorating and empowering. It has made me stronger than I ever thought possible and has allowed me to be so much more active in other in other sports. The positive impact never ends which is what keeps me coming back week after week.
I have definitely gained strength. My back feels better and my posture and flexibility have improved. I’m very proud with the results even my tummy is flatter! Wow! - Susan
I have been benefitting from Pilates for over two years. After each class, I feel refreshed, stress free and full of energy. I have seen an incredible transformation in my body…firmer legs, firmer arms and a “youth” mind to go along with the new me. – Judy
Joining Passport Pilates was a wonderful decision for me. All of the instructions are wonderful the facilities are clean and the use of the scheduling is fantastic. I am looking to TRX. Thank you – MaryJo
I just love Pilates! It is something that I can actually do, with lots of room to improve. I feel so much more energized after class and I see a change in my body. The classes have been nothing but positive and I am looking forward to be able to my body like I was 30 again and I know it will happen? Also, the instructors are great! Thank You - Lynne
Pilates has benn great for shaiping uo and making me feel better, The added benefit was that the core strength helped my golf game – Carol
Passport Pilates has improved my balance, posture, breathing, and overall body tone. I continue to gain strength in my legs, arms and cores. Kathy is an unbelievable owner, instructor and motivates me after 2 years. MaryBeth is a gem too! She pushes you to do your best in every class and challenges you each week. Thank you for all you do for so many things Kathy – Sally
About ten years ago, I was diagnosed wit runners knee in my eft knee and had surgery on it to “clean things up”. My knee was never the same and started to get noticeably worse last year. During the summer I went to physical therapy here they said part of my knee problem was my weak hips. It was so bad that I had that I had constant knee pain just sitting at work.
I began Pilates because I had always wanted to try it and had known about it years ago through the ballet school I attended. It was evident in my first classthat my hips were crzy weak even though I thought I was in good shape. After only a few weeks I began to notice a big difference in my body. I’ve been doing Pilates 5 months now am an totally addicted. I have NO knee pain anymore. I get knee pain sometimes when the weather is bad (because I also have arthriti in that same knee) but aside from that I no longer suffer from knee pain just sitting at ,y desk. I can go to the theatre now and not be miserable. I’ve also noticed that I have a a butt! Sounds odd but it was always a big joke with my friends and faince that I don’t have a butt and and it’s completely flat. However, mow my fiancé has noticed a lift in my butt and I’ve even gotten compliments in general odd but true)So now not only do I longer have knee pain but I have a lifted butt. I also abs I didn’t know existed . Pilates has changed my life in a big way and I feel stronger, leaner and I can actually say that I enjoy working out now. I am now a lifer.
Pilates has changed my life! The joint-friendly exercises and a healthy diet low in inflammatory foods combined have kept me medication-free for two years with my rheumatoid arthritis, which is really exciting. Beyond that, I feel great. I’m more flexible and fit than I have been in years. My joints don’t ache as much and I have found that it is a form of exercise that I truly enjoy, therefore, I have stuck with it for three years and I’m hoping for life. Thank you Kathy and MaryBeth for a great new me! ~ Karen, 3 years, 3x/week
I lost inches, have body and muscle tone, increased flexibility, I enjoy it and I feel skinny!! ~ Renee, 4 months, 4x/week
I remember the first few weeks in classes, sweating, struggling and using muscles I had never used. I felt as though everyone was thinking, “wow, is she out of shape!” But I kept at it, after just a few weeks, I was stronger, had better form on the Reformer and was seeing and feeling muscle tone. I was hooked. The pilates workouts are unique in that you don’t have to sweat and get completely breathless to reap the health benefits of working out. ~ Donna, 2 years, 4x/week
Pilates has drastically improved my hips and back to the point I have little to no pain. I have seen improvement in muscle tone and feel great. ~ Patti, 7 months, 3x/week
I have had chronic back pain for 4 years. My chiropractor and physical therapist both recommended Reformer pilates and slowly but surely the regimen of chiro and pilates has substantially lessened my chronic pain to the point that I believe I can be pain free if I stay on this course. ~ Karen, 3 months, 2x/week
Pilates has been my stress relief in a very busy world. It’s relaxing but also a great workout. Pilates has helped my stress level, my lower back issues and best of all an improved, toned body. ~ Robin, 1 Year, 2x/week
This is the first exercise program I have stuck to for more than a few months. I attribute this to the instructor’s personal interest in my well being; the convenience and the Reformer being doable for people with back and knee issues. It’s always a very pleasant experience!! ~ Kathie, 2 years, 2x/week
I stay sane after a bad day at work. It keeps me in shape for only 2 days a week of exercise. It has helped relieve the pain in my lower back and knees. I met some great people and I enjoy all the instructors. ~ Susan, 2 years, 2x/week
I have been coming to Passport Pilates for over a year now. I can honestly say it is the first exercise class that I’ve ever stuck with since I was a teen. The staff is great and the variety of classes keep it new and exciting. Looking forward to another great year! ~ Johnna, 1 year, 2-3x/week
I have been active with fitness for over 20 years and nothing has made an impact so quickly on my body as Pilates. Combining Pilates and Barre is my favorite combination of classes. My “behind” is actually lifting! ~ Gina, 1.3 years, 2x/week
To start with, pilates is the only form of exercise I have consistently kept up with for a period of almost 3 and ½ years. It is both invigorating and empowering. It has made me stronger than I ever thought possible and has allowed me to be so much more active in many other sports. The positive impact never ends which is what keeps me coming back week after week. ~ Kelly, 3.5 years, 3x/week
I have definitely gained strength. My back feels much better and my posture and flexibility have improved. I’m very proud with the results, even my tummy is flatter! Wow! ! ~ Susan, 14 weeks, 2x/week
I have been benefiting from Pilates for over two years. After each class, I feel refreshed, stress free and full of energy. I have seen an incredible transformation in my body…firmer legs, firmer arms and a “youthful” mind to go along with the new “me”! ~ Judy, 2years, 2x/week
Joining Passport Pilates was a wonderful decision for me. All of the instructors are wonderful, the facilities are clean and the ease of scheduling is fantastic. I am looking forward to TRX. Thank you! ~ MaryJo, 10 months, 2x/week
I just love Pilates! It is something that I can actually do, with lots of room to improve ! I feel so much more energized after class and I see a change in my body. The classes have been nothing but positive and I am looking forward to being able to move my body like I was 30 again and I know it will happen! Also, the instructors are great ! Thank you!! ~ Lynne, 1 year, 2x/week
Pilates has been great for shaping up and making me feel better. The added benefit was that the core strength helped my golf game! ~ Carol, 1 year, 2x/week
Passport Pilates has improved my balance, posture, breathing and overall body tone. I continue to gain strength in my legs, arms and core. Kathy is an unbelievable owner, instructor and motivates me after 2 years. MaryBeth is a gem too! She pushes you to do your best in every class and challenges you each week! Thank you for all you do for so many Kathy! ~ Sally, 2 years, 3x/week
About 10 years ago I was diagnosed with "Runners Knee" in my left knee and had surgery on it to "clean things up." My knee was never the same and started to get noticeably worse last year. During the summer I went to phyiscal therapy where they said part of my knee problem was my weak hips but even with physical therapy my knee was sitll hurting. It was so bad that I had constant knee pain just sitting at work in my cube.
I began pilates because I had always wanted to try it and had known about it years ago through the ballet school I attended. It was evident in my first class that my hips were crazy weak and even though I was in decent shape I had a lot of work to be done. After only a few weeks I began to notice a big difference in my body. I've been doing pilates for 5 months now and am totally addicted. I have NO knee pain anymore. I get knee pain sometimes when the weather is bad (because I also have arthritis in that same knee) but aside from that I no longer suffer from knee pain just sitting in a chair. I can go to the theatre now and not be miserable! I've also noticed that I now have a butt! Sounds odd but it was always a big joke with my friends and fiance that I don't have a butt and it is completely flat. However, now my fiance has noticed a lift in my butt and I've even gotten compliments on it in general (odd yes but true.) So now not only do I no longer have knee pain but I have a lifted butt. I also have muscles in my abs I didnt know existed. Pilates has changed my life in a big way and I feel stronger, leaner and I can actually say that I ENJOY working out now. I am a PIlates lifer. ~ Amy, 6 months, 3x/week